MY LIFE IN PERU: TRAVEL by @ellarend

Guess who's back? Yeah that's right, we're back with another segment of our Photography Series. And this time, we are joined by blogger and travel fiend: Ella. Having recently returned to Italy after 8 months of living in Peru, Ella is certainly living her best life. It is only natural that the first part of Ella's showcase is to be about Travel. Have a little gander below and enjoy some words from Ella about her Peruvian escape. Be sure to check out Ella on Insta: @ellarend  and check out her blog: too.

"This trip was to Arequipa, the second biggest city in Peru, a town surrounded by mountains and especially volcanos. I really wanted to go but no friend could, so I decided to go by myself. I had booked it long before I found out I was gonna move back to Europe. It was a way to discover my country and say goodbye. I walked through its streets, ate and drank coffee, completely fell in love with its colours and I also did a full-day tour to the Colca Valley, where I saw the canyon and even some condors. I really needed some time off. I stayed there for 4 days, that is not much, but I truly came back recharged of new energies."

"It's very important to visit your country at least once a year, re-live its history and culture. You need to know yourself, who you are."

"Peru is half my identity and I didn't know a lot of things about it, so travelling was a good way to continue learning."


A huge thanks to Ella for giving us a taste of Peru and keep an eye out for more from her coming soon to WFA 👀